Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Mystery Injuries.

I’m not entirely sure, but I think I may have broken a toe.

I had another seizure last Friday night. My right arm is covered in scrapes and bruises, and my left foot hurts something awful.  I’m not sure why I hurt, but I hurt.

I do all sorts of dumb shit after my seizures, in the moments following the convulsions but before I’m totally conscious.  Mom was there when it happened (thank goodness), and she said that I was lurching/stomping all over the place, trying to rip my pants off (???) and that I was climbing up the banister of our staircase.  (I didn’t try to use the steps, mind you—I was trying to climb up the outside of the banister rails.)  I don’t remember any of this, but Mom did a pretty good reenactment for me when I came to.

So, mystery pain—I’m guessing I either thwacked my foot when I fell to the floor during the seizure, or else I did something to it when I was trying to climb up the banister.  I don’t know.

It sounds stupid—to be unsure of something like that.  But I’m coming to discover that mysterious injuries are just part of this whole epilepsy thing.

I hate that these wounds are always self-inflicted.